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Windmill Primary School

1 Corinthians 16:14: Do everything in love

The Additional Resourced Provision for Children with Complex Communication and Interaction needs 

In living our vision 'do everything in love' Windmill CE Primary School was proud to open our Additional Resourced Provision for pupils with complex communication and interaction needs in September 2018.  At the time, it was the only provision of this kind in Kirklees. As one of only two provisions, we feel extremely lucky to have been chosen as the school to host this.  Our aim is for this provision to be an outstanding centre of excellence for pupils and we have a skilled team of staff on hand to support pupils with complex communication and interaction needs in achieving success every step of the way.  We work closely with the central team of staff in Kirklees who also deliver outreach support to a variety of children in different settings across the authority.  

There is a clear process for pupils to access prior to a placement in the provision being considered.  Firstly a school completes a referral to the Kirklees specialist provision team. If the panel allocates the case for support, as a first step, the team will undertake outreach with pupils in their current school. It is always the aim for children to remain in their current setting, and the Kirklees Outreach team will work with staff and pupils to make this as successful as it can be. If this is not successful, after some time, a place in the specialist provision could be requested if the child has an EHCP.

Any child in our mainstream school would have to go through the same process as all other pupils in Kirklees in order to access support from the resourced provision team. There is no shortcut for pupils in our school to access the resourced provision. The fastest way for children to get the support they need is for their current school to make a referral to the Kirklees Outreach team.

Any parent wanting to consider this as a provision for their child must in the first instance speak with their current school setting about a referral being made to the outreach team. 

 The Resourced Provision classroom. 

A pupil work station with visual timetable.  

The outdoor space 

The Sensory Room