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Windmill Primary School

1 Corinthians 16:14: Do everything in love

Previous Inspection Reports

Windmill Church of England Primary school is a new school which opened in April 2014. OFSTED undertook an inspection on 7th & 8th June 2022 judged our school to be 'GOOD'

Our SIAMS inspection took place in November 2016 and judged us to be an 'OUTSTANDING' Church school. 

Windmill CE Primary School Reports (click to open)

OFSTED Inspection Report - 'Good' Jun 7th and 8th 2022

Inspection report  - 'Good' May 16th and 17th 2017

Windmill CE Primary School SIAMS report (SIAMS no longer grade schools) January 18th 2024 - The inspection findings indicate that Windmill Church of England Primary School is living up to its foundation as a Church school.

Windmill CE Primary School SIAMs report - 'Outstanding' November 2016

       Highlights from the OFSTED report - 7th & 8th June 2022    

 We are pleased to inform you that Ofsted found that our school continues to be good. The inspection highlighted to leaders and Governors that Windmill continues to be a special place that offers our pupils so many opportunities that other schools don’t. They saw that in school there is a sense that we ‘do everything in love’ .

As part of the inspection Ofsted undertake deep dives. Our report talks a lot about reading, History and PE as these were the deep dives chosen for our inspection. The following is a flavour of the report:

This is a school where everyone is valued.

A helping hand is never far away at Windmill.

Pupils are respectful, polite and well mannered.

Pupils are happy and keen to learn.

Classrooms and corridors are calm.

Good behaviour is commonplace

High expectations for all are supported through clear routines in school.

Staff are knowledgeable and apply learning from professional development in their lessons.

Pupils spoke with passion about the books they have read

Pupils in early years are given a flying start to their learning.

Leaders have invested in facilities and training to help pupils in need of social, emotional and mental health support. This is delivered by a team of dedicated staff.

The personal development program in school is broad and wide, educating pupils about the local risks they face.

Leaders are thoughtful and have galvanised the staff to strengthen the school’s offer.

 Ofsted recognised that we have made lots of changes to our curriculum. You will know from newsletters that we have new PE, Computing and DT schemes and we have bought lots of resources to help us teach History and Geography as well. Every subject has been developed this year and our next step is to embed these changes to ensure that every subject has consistent delivery.