Wraparound Care
Breakfast Club
The breakfast club runs from 7.30am – 8.45am and takes place in the KS2 hall. Children are escorted from breakfast club to their classes in time for the register.
Children receive a nourishing breakfast of toast, cereal and fruit juice and have the opportunity to play with their friends and take part in fitness activities if they wish.
Last entry to the breakfast club is at 8.20 am, to make sure all children have time to eat their breakfast.
A nominal charge of £5 is made for entry, including breakfast. Children in receipt of pupil premium are able to attend without charge.
After School Club
A variety of age appropriate activities will be available for the children to take part in, including quieter options to give the children the opportunity to relax if they wish to.
Each day there will be organised activities in which the children may decide to participate or they may simply decide to 'do their own thing' with the materials and equipment available, which will include a range of games and puzzles.
Children that usually attend an after school activity club may take advantage of this facility and join after school club at 4.15pm for their snack and play.
All members of staff are trained to give constructive support to all children in mixed age and ability groups, so that they all enjoy varied, stimulating and appropriate play
The cost for after school club is £10 per session with discounts given to siblings.
Please ask at the office for more information