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Windmill Primary School

1 Corinthians 16:14: Do everything in love

Knowledge Organisers 

Summer Term 2024

We use these in school to provide children with information about their topic, and let them know what knowledge we aim them to acquire through their lessons.  We hope these will help you with your home schooling!

 Year 1

 History - How were our Grandparents and Great Grandparents toys different from our own

 RE - Understanding Christianity, GOD


Year 2

 History - Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela

 Science - Growing up 

 RE - Gospel: Good News 


Year 3

 History - Ancient Egypt

 Science - The Power of Forces 

 RE - Incarnation



Year 4

 History - Ancient Greeks  

 Science - Electricity

 RE- 5 Pillars of Islam 



Year 5

 History - Maya   

 Science - Every day materials

 RE - Understanding Christianity: Incarnation



Year 6

 History - WW2 

 Science - Light

 RE - Understanding creation