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Windmill Primary School

1 Corinthians 16:14: Do everything in love

2019 - 2020

virtual hike to lapland - dec 2020

girls football tournament - 11 march 2020

Absolute superstars:Mrs Stott and our girls football team. The girls played 5 matches in driving rain and wind, fabulous attitudes and superb teamwork...and won! They will now represent North Kirklees at the West Yorkshire games! Amazing.


Girls Football Tournament - 6 Nov 2019

On Wednesday 6th of November, nine girls from Y5 and Y6 went to a football tournament. We won six out of seven matches. We all worked really hard as a team even in the pouring rain! It was amazing and we can't wait for the next round. - Lillie May 

'Despite the weather, I thought the majority of girls really engaged and enjoyed.

They should all be applauded for their resolve, tenacity and enthusiasm....' - Mick Troop School Sports Partnership Officer 

I was so proud of how well the girls played together on Wednesday. They didn't complain once about the cold and wet conditions they played in. They showed great team work, sportsmanship and played brilliantly! Can't wait to see them play in the final next year.  - Miss Bedford  

We would like to thank Mrs Stott for training our team and organising the football tournaments.


Year 6 Football Final - December 2019

Our Y6 team took part in the Europa League final on the 11th. They played exceptionally well again and even stepped in to help out another school. The team came joint fourth and were awarded their medals by a surprise guest, Huddersfield Town’s Lewis O’Brien.

Miss Bedford & Mrs Stott were so proud of how well they played together and their behaviour was superb.