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Windmill Primary School

1 Corinthians 16:14: Do everything in love


Little Princess Trust Fundraising 

On Friday 10th July we held a non-uniform day to support one of our Reception children, Eden, in her efforts to raise money for the Little Princess Trust who make wigs for poorly children. The children donated £425.55 on the day and we held a raffle at our quiz night which raised an additional £47.50. This makes a total donation to the Little Princess Trust of £473.05. Well done everyone! Thank you for your generosity.

A huge well done to Eden for having this idea and growing her hair so that a wig can be made for a poorly child. Below are some photographs of Eden before her hair cut, during, and after.




Gardening Party 2015

On Saturday 27th June 2015, our school had its very first Gardening Party as Windmill Church of England Primary. There were many jobs to do including painting the KS1 shed, litter picking, weeding and crafts (such as painting a pot, decorating a wind chime and making your own boy/girl flower pot buddy). It was a great pleasure to have the ice cream van with us for the afternoon. Each child was given a free token worth a pound to purchase an ice cream with. So many people came and helped out, there was a great team spirit throughout our grounds. After the event, lots of people stayed to have a picnic and enjoy our superb grounds. We're very lucky. Thanks to everyone who helped.

Here are some quotes from some of our pupils:

Natasha, 5C 'I made a butterfly wind chime and really enjoyed the day. It was worth my £1.50!'

Abigail, 5A 'I didnt think I'd be able to help much because I had recently hurt my knee but I enjoyed painting the bench for Mr Harrison.'

Everyone that came enjoyed the day and the weather was just as glorious as we had hoped and prayed for!



By Emily and Molly, 5A


Race for Life - May 22nd 2015

On Friday 22nd May we held our own 'Race for Life' event to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Every child in school took part. Children were sponsored to run round the field and windmill as many times as they could! It was a great day and children really put their heart and soul into it. Some ran in special costumes while others ran with the names of family members and friends affected by cancer displayed proudly on their backs. Well done everyone, what a great team windmill effort!


Thanks to our wonderful runners and parents for supporting the event.


Click the picture below to watch the video



Extreme Reading 

The standard of entries for our extreme reading competition was very high! We had a very hard task selecting winners. Thank you to everyone who took part. You can see a video of some of the entries by clicking here 

The winner is Callum in Year 5

We hope you enjoy using your Kindle

Our KS2 runners up, who each won a box of chocolates, are:

Kate, Alex and Holly



Our KS1 runners up, who each won a box of chocolates, are: 

Aamnah, Grace and Harry



World Book Day - March 6th 2015

Our children looked stunning on World Book Day. Everyone went to a huge amount of effort to make it a really special day. Thanks go to all Mums, Dads and Carers for getting involved and helping the children with their costumes. 


Forget Me Not Hospice Assembly - March 1st 2015

The children enjoyed a special visitor to our assembly on Monday March 2nd. Lisa Calvert from the Forget Me Not Children's Hospice came to tell us about how the money we raised is used by the charity. Hayley Brown is a representative of the Forget Me Not Hospice, she has a daughter in our school, Kyla, and another daughter, Laila, who receives care from the Forget Me Not Hospice. Hayley also raised money for the charity by cycling the distance from John O'Groats to Lands' End - thats 874 miles!

During the assembly Hayley and Kyla presented the charity with a giant cheque for the money we raised in October when we all wore bright clothes for the day. Thank you for your generosity and amazing support for this great charity. It is wonderful that we can support charities who work with families of our school and I know that Hayley and Kyla are very grateful to everyone in the school community for supporting the Forget Me Not Children's Hospice. 


Extreme Reading - February 27th 2015

Our children took part in an 'extreme reading' competition over February half term. Have a look at the video below to see some of the exciting places our children like to read.  Well done to everyone who entered. 


Wear It Red Day - February 6th 2015

It was lovely to see so many of our parents and carers at the coffee morning this morning, at one point parents were queueing out of the hall along the corridor and out of the front door! We had so many delicious donations of buns, cakes and biscuits! Thank you. Jennie was also selling sweets and children each donated a pound and wore red. We managed to raise a fantastic total of over £970.00. Amazing!

Jennie will be having a sweet stall on Monday after school in the KS2 playground to raise more funds for the cause that means so much to her and her family. Well done and thank you to everyone for taking part.




February 4th 2015


6DT shared their learning in their class assembly. The children spoke confidently and have clearly enjoyed their learning over the past term. As part of the assembly the children made a pledge to make one change to improve their own future, and ours. Watch the video below to see their pledges!




Shoot Stars Visit - January 2015

Well done to the year 6 children who were awarded prizes for entering a poster competition to promote further education. Roy Long from Leeds Trinity University has been working with the children, talking to them about the benefits of further education.  Later in the year students from the university will be visiting school to teach the children some drama classes, the children will also go on a visit to the University.


Bishop Jonathan's Inaguration Service - November 2015

On Saturday November 29th the new Bishop of Huddersfield, Right Reverend Dr Jonathan Gibbs, was inaugurated at a special service in Dewsbury Minster. Our children took part in the service and presented the new Bishop with some special items:

A cope - a long cloak

A Mitre - the Bishop's special hat

A Crozier - like a Sheperd's crook

A Bible

A Cross

It was a great honor to be asked to take part in this service, our children enjoyed the experience and invited the new Bishop of Huddersfield to our school - we look forward to welcoming him here soon!


Children in Need November 2014

Thank you to everyone for your support for Children in Need.

We raised over £400 and our children looked fantastic!! 


Year 6 had a great time at Robinwood in Octboer 2014!

Check out the video to see what exciting things they did!